The Duke Chapel Choir will have 75 singers on tour and will be accompanied by the Dean and Assistant Dean. All Duke alumni, parents, and friends are invited to attend worship services and concerts featuring the choir.
Sunday, May 21 - Dublin
10:30 am mass -- Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church
8:00 pm concert -- Christchurch Cathedral
Tuesday, May 23 - Glasgow
6:00 pm joint evensong with Glasgow University Chapel Choir – Glasgow University Chapel
Thursday, May 25 – Glasgow
7:00 pm concert – Glasgow Cathedral
Friday, May 26 – Edinburgh
1:30 pm concert – St. Giles’ Cathedral
Sunday, May 28 – St. Andrews
11:00 am worship service – St. Mark’s Church
3:00 pm concert – Holy Trinity Church
The Duke Chapel Choir is the largest and most visible ensemble in Duke Chapel. The choir is a regular part of worship on Sunday mornings during the academic year, singing anthems and leading the congregation in hymns and liturgical music. The Chapel Choir has toured extensively throughout the United States, Austria, China, the Czech Republic, England, Greece, Poland, Spain, and Turkey. Performance venues have included Carnegie Hall, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Washington National Cathedral, and St. Martin-in-the-Fields.
The Chapel Choir is led by Dr. Zebulon Highben, director of Chapel Music. The Chapel Choir is open to students, faculty, staff, and community members by audition. Learn more at
Questions? Please contact Elaine Brown at