Tuesday 23 May, 6:30-7:30PM GMT (7:30-8:30PM BDT / 2:30-3:30PM EDT)
Virtual via Zoom (link to be provided upon registration)
We are hosting our first-ever Women's Forum Country Conversation. We will kick off the evening with remarks by Kimberly Reed ’86, the original founding member of the Duke Women's Forum. Kim also helped launch the Women's Weekend on campus and was the co-founder of the original K-ville. She also served as the President of the Duke Club of Moscow for 4 years and lived in Australia and Poland. With her deep history of launching and supporting various Duke Women's Forums and her international perspective, Kim will share with us how it all started and tips for building stronger alumnae communities in the various regions we live. After we hear from Kim, we will break into country-based roundtable groups to connect and converse.
To sign up and/or ask questions, please contact Katherine Hutton ’05, MBA ’11 (kar19duke@gmail.com) and Elizabeth Clarke ’07 (elizabeth.d.clarke@gmail.com).
RSVPs are needed no later than May 16 to facilitate preparation for country breakout groups.
When submitting your RSVP, please include the information listed below:
- Name
- Duke Affiliation (graduation year, school, and/or parent, faculty, or staff)
- Country and City of Residence and whether or not you are permanently or temporarily located there