Discovering Duke's Canine Cognition Center

Working with Alumni Faculty Fellow Brian Hare, this new alumni weekend will share the work his lab is doing to understand the flexibility and limitations of dog cognition. Join alumni, friends, and family for a 3-day program in which you will learn about the evolutionary advancements of canines, what makes them different from other mammals, and how we can improve our relationships with them. Similar to the alumni programs at the Duke Marine Lab and the Lemur Center, this program will offer both lectures and hands-on workshops – this one also offers the opportunity to work with dogs in a series of activities used to evaluate their capabilities.

Canine Cognition Weekend 2017

Our next Canine Cognition Weekend will be October 27-29. Please note that schedules will carry out as closely as possible, but are subject to change.

Contact Us

Contact Victoria George at 919-684-2988 or email to add yourself to the "Early Interest" mailing list for this program.

Duke Alumni - Canine Cognition

About Brian

Brian HareDr. Brian Hare was 19 when he started playing games with his best friend, a chocolate Labrador called Oreo. What Dr. Hare learned then and since has changed the way the scientific world thought about dogs and what they tell us about being human. Dr. Hare received his PhD from Harvard and founded a research group at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany. Now an award-winning researcher and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Hare works with various branches of the military, and service dog organizations around the US. Dr. Hare was the host of National Geographic Wild’s Is your Dog a Genius, and has been featured in the national and international media, including Time Magazine, the New York Times, and 60 Minutes. In 2007, Smithsonian named Dr. Hare as one of the top 37 scientists under 36. Brian is an associate professor in Duke’s Department of Evolutionary Anthropology and a Duke Alumni Faculty Fellow.

About Vanessa

Vanessa WoodsVanessa Woods is an award winning author, researcher, and journalist. The co-author of The Genius of Dogs, Vanessa is also the author of Bonobo Handshake, which won the Thomas Lowell award for non-fiction, and Space Will Turn you into Spaghetti, which won the Acclaimed Book award from the Royal Society. Her books have been translated into 12 languages. Along with Dr. Hare, Vanessa co-founded Dognition, the largest citizen science project for dogs, which allows people all over the world to test their own dogs and contribute to the knowledge of all dogs. Apart from managing content, outreach and education for the Dognition, Vanessa is hard at work on her next book with Dr. Hare, Survival of the Friendliest, which will be out in 2017.