Group Admin FAQ: Group Sections


Group sections are built to breakup the content in digestible content blocks. There are 7 sections available for Group admins to enable.

  • The Group links section allows group admins to add links to other content, websites, or support URLs.
  • The Social block is used to highlight the group’s social media URLs and in addition this section can feed your twitter account.
  • The Members block highlights a few members of the group who have been online recently and promotes a quick way to search the membership of the group.
  • The Related Groups block identifies groups that group admins have identified as similar in function, information, or objectives.
  • Upcoming Events section is used to highlight events that this group has sponsored or is tagged to be interesting to your membership.
  • Announcements are newsworthy items added by Group Admins to serve as pertinent to the members or visitors.
  • The Class-notes section displays notes about Marriages/Commitments, General, Educational News, Obituary/Memoriam, Personal Accomplishment, Publication, Professional News, Birth/Adoption, Award/Honors that alumni have recently added to their profile.


To enable to disable these sections, as a Group Admin:

  1. Login to the site
  2. Navigate to the group
  3. In the admin menu click on “Edit Group” (only group admins will see this option)
  4. Scroll down to the “Sections
  5. Check the options to enable that section.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and press “Save