Duke Magazine: Jan-Feb 1997

March-April 1997

Pivotal Partnerships
by Bridget Booher
Like all cities, Durham is confronting a multitude of challenges; and like all universities, Duke is aware that its own future is inextricably linked to the fortunes of its hometown

Engineering a Series of Successes by Edward Prewitt
A career marked by abrupt changes in direction, but never by snap decisions, has taken enterprising manager Jim Vincent from the fields of western Pennsylvania, through the shoals of emerging technologies, and into the frontiers of current science

Biotechnologies Promise and Peril "What happens over the next forty years is going to make the last twenty years in biotechnology look like the beginning of the automobile industry"

Duke After Dark
A joint project involving the magazine, reporters and photographers of The Chronicle, and University Photography documents life beyond the classroom

Sweet Words and Melancholy Melodies
by Robert J. Bliwise
In Jon Marans' Old Wicked Songs, a teacher and his student discover surprising truths about themselves--and enduring truths about music

Under the Gargoyle Finding the musical meaning in two weeks of wonder spent touring through China

Spotlight Around the world--in a dozen mega-concerts--with the Three Tenors

Forum Chapel roots, speech patterns, financial currents

Gazette A president at graduation, a center for NAFTA, an outpost in the Far East, a caution on newsletters

Books Language that has been lived with and loved

Quad Quotes Academic achievement and relief from taxes, the Gothic Bookshop and its list of bestsellers

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