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Frames allow areas of your browser to remain static as other areas change.
Such is the case with the menu area of this page. As you choose
other topics from the menu choices you will notice the menu remains
unchanged at the top of the page.
The Extras Area will contain links to related multimedia and user response areas.
Look for interactive chat or "instant response" boxes to let Duke Magazine know what
you think. Also planned for this area is direct E-mail with participating article authors.
About Real Audio and Video
How do I configure Internet Explorer 3.0 to work with RealAudio Player ?
To manually configure your Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 to automatically launch RealAudio Player for Windows do the following:
- Open Internet Explorer after installing the RealAudio Player .
- From the View menu, select Options.
- In the Options dialog box, click the Programs tab.
- On the Programs tab, click the File Types button. This opens the Add New File Type window.
- Select the New Type button. This opens the New Type window.
- Complete the following information:
Description of Type: RealAudio File
Associated Extension: ra, ram
Content Type (MIME): audio/x-pn-realaudio
Default extension for content type: ram
- Click the New button. This opens the New Action window. Complete the following information:
Actions: Open
Application used to perform action:
(browse to c:/realaudio/player.exe)
- Click the OK button on each window to accept the changes.
To manually configure your Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 to automatically launch RealAudio Player for Macintosh do the following:
- Open Internet Explorer after installing the RealAudio Player .
- Select Options from the Edit menu.
- Select the Helpers tab.
- Select Add.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player
MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: ra, ram
- Under How to Handle, click Choose.
- Locate RealAudio Player.
- Click the Select button.
- Click the New button.
- Click the OK button.
To manually configure Netscape Navigator to automatically launch RealAudio Player for Windows:
- Start Netscape Navigator after installing the RealAudio Player .
- Select General Preferences from the Options menu.
- On the Preferences dialog, select the Helpers tab.
- Click the Create New Type button. A dialog box opens.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player
MIME Type: audio
MIME SubType: x-pn-realaudio
File Extensions: ra, ram
- Click the Launch Application button and find the directory in which the RealPlayer was installed (default is c:\realaudio\) and select PLAYER.EXE as the application to launch.
To manually configure Netscape Navigator to automatically launch RealAudio Player for Macintosh:
- Start Netscape Navigator after installing the RealAudio Player .
- Select General Preferences from the Options menu.
- Click the Helpers tab.
- Click the New button.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player
MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: ra, ram
- Click the Application button and find the directory in which the RealAudio Player was installed (the default is the RealAudio Player folder on your startup volume) then select the RealAudio Player as the application to launch.
- Select PNRM in the File type menu.
- Click the OK button.
You may also have to manually configure the Plug-in for RealAudio Player:
- Start Netscape Navigator after installing the RealAudio Player .
- Select General Preferences from the Options menu.
- Click the Helpers tab.
- Click the New button.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player Plug-in
MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: rpm
- Click the Plug-in button and select RealAudio Player Plugin from the menu.
- Click the OK button.
Note: If the broswer continues to have problems launching the Player after reconfiguring the browser, you should rebuild the desktop file by shutting down the system and restarting while holding down the Option and Command keys.
How do I configure the AOL 3.0 web browser to work with the RealAudio Player ?
RealAudio Player is compatible with the most current release of the America Online browser, version 3.0 for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. It is a customized version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. The Windows 3.1 version is a 16-bit application, and the Windows 95 version is a 32-bit application.
If you are an AOL member, you can download this browser for free from AOL. Sign on to AOL, select your Keyword icon, and when the dialog box appears type the word upgrade. The screen for the AOL 3.0 browser appears and explains the steps to upgrade.
Once you have installed the browser, you need to reinstall the RealAudio Player by following these instructions:
- Download the latest RealAudio Player, from the RealAudio Download Page.
- Install the Real Audio Player by double-clicking on the file that you downloaded.
Once you have installed the current browser and the compatible version of the RealAudio Player, you need to manually configure the AOL 3.0 browser so the two software applications can work together.
To manually configure your AOL 3.0 web browser to work with the RealAudio Player:
- Launch AOL 3.0 after installing the RealAudio Player.
- Click the Globe icon on the Menu Bar.
- Click the Prefs button.
- Click the Programs button.
- Click the File Types.
- Select RealAudio File in the Registered file types list.
Note: If a RealAudio file entry does not exist, you need to add one. Refer to the instructions below for adding a new File Type.
- Click the Edit... button and verify that the Action is open
- Click the Edit... button and verify that the path name in the application used to perform action: field is correct. If it is not, browse to where the RealAudio Player is located on your computer and click the OK button.
To add a new File Type if RealAudio does not in the File Types list:
- Click New Type.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player
Associated Extensions: .ram
Content Type (MIME): audio/x-pn-realaudio
- Click the New... button.
- Type open in the Action: field.
- Type C:\RealAudio\player.exe (path name) in the Application used to perform action: field.
Note: If you have installed the RealAudio Player into a different directory you will need to put this path name in the Application used to perform action: field or browse and select the path to the raplayer.exe application.
You should now be ready to test your RealAudio Player. In order to use the RealAudio Player through AOL, you must be connected to the Internet.
To test your RealAudio Player:
- Launch your AOL 3.0 browser.
- Once you have logged in, click the Globe icon at the top of your AOL screen. This launchs your web browser.
- In the Address field at the top of the browser, enter the following URL to take you to the Real Audio Showcase:
- Click a RealAudio hyperlink to launch your RealAudio Player.
- For more RealAudio clips, please visit Timecast: Your RealMedia Guide. It is located at
To manually configure your America Online 3.0 to automatically launch RealAudio Player for Macintosh do the following:
- Launch AOL 3.0 after installing the RealAudio Player.
- Go to the WWW by clicking the Globe icon in the menu
- Once connection has been made to the Internet, click the
Prefs icon.
- In the list, click the Helpers icon.
- Click the Create button.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Open files with the following MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Or the following suffixes: ra, ram
- In the With the application program field, locate RealPlayer and click the Select button.
- In the Also open Macintosh files with type menu, select PNRM.
- Click the box next to the "Open those files
with the helper application program" field.
- Click the Ok button.
- Click the Ok button.
How do I configure Prodigy Internet's Netscape Browser 3.0 to work with RealAudio Player?
Windows 95
Prodigy now has a new Internet Service called Prodigy Internet. Prodigy Internet provides its users with a custom version of the Netscape Navigator 3.0 browser for Windows 95. RealAudio Player for Windows 95 is compatible with this version of the Prodigy Internet Browser, however, some manual configuration is required. In addition to manually configuring the browser, you must set the RealAudio Player HTTP Proxy to the same port that the Prodigy browser uses, Port 8080.
To manually configure the Prodigy Internet Netscape Browser to automatically launch RealAudio Player:
- From Prodigy Internet, start Netscape Navigator.
- Select General Preferences from the Options menu.
- On the Preferences dialog, click the Helpers tab.
- Click the Create New Type button. A dialog box opens.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player
MIME Type: audio
MIME SubType: x-pn-realaudio
File Extensions: ra, ram
- Click the Launch Application button and find the directory in which the RealAudio Player was installed (default is c:\realaudio\) and select RAPLAYER.EXE as the application to launch.
To configure RealAudio Player to use a HTTP Proxy on Port 8080:
- Open RealAudio Player.
- From the View menu, select Preferences.
- On the Preferences window, click the Proxy tab.
- Check the box for Use Proxy.
- Verify that the RealAudio Proxy is set for Port 1090.
- In the HTTP Proxy box, enter Prodigy Internet
- In the Port box, enter 8080.
- Click the Ok button.
Prodigy now has a new Internet Service called Prodigy Internet that provides its users with a custom version of the Netscape Navigator 3.0 browser for Macintosh. RealAudio Player for Macintosh 68040 and PowerPC are compatible with this version of the Prodigy Internet Browser, however, some manual configuration is required. In addition to manually configuring the browser, you must set the RealAudio Player HTTP Proxy to the same port that the Prodigy browser uses, Port 8080.
To manually configure the Prodigy Internet Netscape Browser to automatically launch RealAudio Player:
- From Prodigy Internet, start Netscape Navigator.
- Select General Preferences from the Options menu.
- Click the Helpers tab.
- Click the New button.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player
MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: ra, ram
- Click the Application button and find the directory in which the RealAudio Player was installed (the default is the RealAudio Player folder on your startup volume) then select the RealAudio Player as the application to launch.
- Select PNRM in the File type menu.
- Click the OK button.
You may also have to manually configure the Plug-in for RealAudio Player:
- From Prodigy Internet, start Netscape Navigator.
- Select General Preferences from the Options menu.
- Click the Helpers tab.
- Click the New button.
- Enter the following information in the appropriate box:
Description: RealAudio Player Plug-in
MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: rpm
- Click the Plug-in button and select RealAudio Player Plugin from the menu.
- Click the OK button.
Note: If the broswer continues to have problems launching the Player after reconfiguring the browser, you should rebuild the desktop file by shutting down the system and restarting while holding down the Option and Command keys.
To configure RealAudio Player to use a HTTP Proxy on Port 8080:
- Open RealAudio Player.
- From the View menu, select Preferences.
- On the Preferences window, click the Proxy tab.
- Check the box for Use Proxy.
- Verify that the RealAudio Proxy is set for Port 1090.
- In the HTTP Proxy box, enter Prodigy Internet
- In the Port box, enter 8080.
- Click the Ok button.
Why do I get "Error occurred while contacting Server" and other errors when using Internet software from AOL, AT&T;, Compuserve, Netcom, Earthlink, GNN,
Mindspring, Worldnet or other Internet Service Providers (ISP)?
This is an incompatibility between the version of the Player and
your dialer or winsock. If you are using a 16-bit winsock with Windows 95 with the
Windows 95 RealAudio Player (either 2.0 or 3.0) and you experience one of the following:
- You receive one of the following error messages:
- An error occurred when trying to connect to server
- Can't connect to server
- Error 22: Requested Server is not valid.
- There is no document by that name available at the requested location.
- Browser is unable to locate the server :
- The server does not have a DNS entry
- Error 19: An error occurred while trying to connect to the RealAudio
- RealAudio Player will not start.
- No sound comes out of the speakers when playing an RealAudio file.
- Speaker icon on the RealAudio Player turns but nothing happens.
- When the Player starts an error message is displayed or general protection
fault occurs.
To resolve this problem you can either use the Windows 3.1x version of the Player or
upgrade your winsock.
It is recommended that if you have Windows 95 or Windows NT, you should fully utilize the
32-bit architecture by using a 32-bit winsock (such as the one that came
with Windows 95) and a 32-bit browser, and the Windows 95 32-bit RealAudio Player.
If you must use the 16-bit dialer and winsock that came with your Internet
package, use the Windows 3.1x RealAudio Player for compatibility. To get the
16-bit Windows 3.1x version of the Player, go to our Player download site at
and select Windows 3.1x as your operating system.
Note: To fully utilize the resources of your 32-bit Operating System,
contact your Internet Service Provider and ask about your 32-bit options,
such as DUN - Dial Up Networking.
Why did Netscape Navigator 4.0x give me a security warning? Now RealAudio doesn't play and
it saves the .ra file to disk.
If Netscape Navigator 4.0x gives you a warning message and prompts you to save a .RAM file to
disk when you click on a RealAudio link, you need to reconfigure Netscape.
The message "Warning: There is a potential security hazard here. Opening: *.ram using
raplayer.exe" is generated by Netscape the first time you click on a RealAudio link after
upgrading to Navigator 4.0x. There is no security risk in using RealAudio. RAM files are simply
text files which have an address that points your Player to the RealAudio file on the server.
Since this file is not an executable file, it cannot be used to transmit a virus.
The prompt asks you to choose two settings:
- What do you want to do with this file?
For the RealAudio Player to work, you must select Open it. To select this option, you
must click in the circle to the left of Open it.
You should also turn this option, Always ask before opening this type of file, off so
that it is not displayed every time you try to listen to a RA file. To turn this off, click
on the box so that there is no check displayed. When you have selected these two options,
click on OK to register these selections and start the RA stream.
If you have received this message before, and now Navigator 4.0x prompts you for a location on
your hard disk to save the RA link, you need to reconfigure Netscape 4.0x to launch the RealAudio
Player when you click on a RAM file.
To reconfigure Navigatior 4.0x for RealAudio Player:
- Launch Netscape 4.0x.
- Select Preferences under the Edit menu.
- Click on the Applications category under Navigator.
- Scroll down the Applications list and click on Raplayer File.
- Click on the Edit button.
- Click on the circle to the left of Application:
- Use the Browse option to select the raplayer.exe from the appropriate directory.
- Make sure that the check-box next to "Always ask before opening..." is not checked.
- Click "OK" on both preferences windows.
- Try the RA link again.
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