New certificate digs into Big Data

Fuqua’s new certificate in Management Science and Technology Management (MSTeM) will equip students with skills in analytics and management technology, says Russ Morgan, senior associate dean for full-time programs.

“We are very excited to be offering more robust programming in an area of study that is so important to business today,” Morgan says. “Every aspect of business is being enhanced by analytics in some way. People who can identify insights, explain the business implications effectively, and put action behind that information have a huge competitive advantage.”

The certificate is available to current Daytime M.B.A. students and requires the completion of eight electives from a menu of qualifying classes. “Data Analytics,” and “Innovation and Cryptoventures (Use of Blockchain)” are examples of courses that are targeted to better prepare students for careers that are more analytics- focused.

“We have a large number of students who go into technology companies, and we want to make sure we are helping them prepare for positions at Amazon, Microsoft, or Cisco, or another tech firm,” Morgan says.

This will be the third certificate offered for Daytime M.B.A. students, following certificates in Health Sector Management and Financial Excellence. MSTeM qualifies for a designation as a program specializing in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), which has work implications for students who graduate with the certificate and go to work in STEM-related jobs.

Homeland Security’s STEM designation for the MSTeM certificate means it allows international students three years of work authorization in the United States, compared to one year for non-STEM courses, Morgan explains. Students who are eligible receive an additional twenty-four months of Optional Practical Training (OPT).

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