Reading List: March-April 2003


Reading List

Top Ten from the Gothic Bookshop

  1. Five-Point Play, by Mike Krzyzewski
  2. American Dance Festival: Twenty-five Years in North Carolina at Duke
  3. Benjamin Franklin, by Edmund S. Morgan
  4. Atonement, by Ian McEwan
  5. Carnegie, by Peter Krass
  6. Coach K's Little Blue Book: Fire, Fact, and Insight from College Basketball's Best Coach, by Mike Krzyzewski; edited by Barry Jacobs '72
  7. Constructing the Black Masculine: Identity and Ideality in African-American Men's Literature and Culture, 1775-1995, by Maurice O. Wallace Ph.D. '95
  8. Dissent From the Homeland, edited by Stanley Hauerwas and Frank Lentricchia
  9. Duke Forest Map, from the Nicholas School of the Environment
  10. Singular Modernity: Essay on the Ontology of the Present, by Fredric Jameson

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