African & African American Studies

Let's Talk About Race: Biological Notions About Race

This FLI series is inspired by Duke University's popular UNI course "Let's Talk About Race," discover the profound impacts of race in today's world in this thought-provoking Forever Learning Institute series. Duke's expert faculty will take you through an engaging course that explores the orgins, evolution, and consequences of racial classifications throughout time. This series allows the greater Duke community to gather in an innovative collection of evidence-based lectures and meaningful conversations that will challenge preconceptions and foster understandign across social divides.

"African American Cemeteries and Their Communities" Symposium, Sept. 12-13

“African American Cemeteries and Their Communities,” a symposium hosted by the Durham Black Burial Grounds Collaboratory at North Carolina Central University’s School of Nursing Auditorium on September 12 (keynote address by Dr. Antoinette Jackson) and September 13 (roundtables with multiple guests).

Better Together
