
South Korea

Ancient and Modern in the Land of Morning Calm

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Date: Thu, Nov 06, 2025 - Tue, Nov 18, 2025
Trip status: Waiting for the brochure
Price from: TBD
Activity level: Moderate
Region: Asia
Mode of travel: Land


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Ancient and Modern in the Land of Morning Calm

Discover the “Land of the Morning Calm” during a journey that encompasses tranquil villages and bustling cities. Learn about the region’s complex history and politics to shed a fascinating light onto the Korean way of life. Immerse yourself in a beautiful culture shaped by a tumultuous past as you discover the best of South Korea and gain a true insider’s perspective on daily life and ancient history. 

Explore the riches of the Joseon Dynasty culture at its royal palace and Secret Garden, discover traditional streets and tiny alleys that are in vivid contrast to the gleaming glass skyscrapers and city lights. Delve into Korea’s complex ancient and modern history at the National Museum of Museum of Contemporary History and peer into North Korea at the DMZ.
Explore the grandeur of the Silla Dynasty in Gyeongju, take a deep dive into history and culture as you meet locals in traditional villages and mountain monasteries.

Fly to Jeju Island, the volcanic island of sky and sea that boasts a year-round temperate climate with over 2,000 types of sub-tropical, temperate and polar vegetation. The island is an accredited UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and World Natural Heritage Site. 
Let your senses be surrounded by the delicate cherry blossoms of Spring or the brilliant hues of Autumn in Korea.
