Alumni benefits

As a Duke graduate, you automatically gain access to signature on-campus events such as Homecoming and Reunions, a global network of regional DAA alumni chapters, educational and travel opportunities and communications such as The Blue Note, social media and the award-winning Duke Magazine. In addition to these programs, DAA works with partners inside and outside of the university to create special access and offers for alumni. With your Duke Alumni card, you can take advantage of these perks.

Carry the Duke Alumni Card with pride

Duke Alumni cards are now virtual! Download the Duke Alumni app to access your card and use it to enjoy alumni benefits like Campus Rec Center visits, library access and more. 

Enjoy new benefits

As an alum, enjoy the privileged access to a year-round discount and exclusive benefits at the Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club and the JB Duke Hotel. Experience attentive service and indulgent accommodations while you visit Duke.

Additional benefits

Be sure to explore additional alumni benefits including Duke Stores, Career Coaching, and more.

  • Present your virtual alumni card at the Duke Stores to receive a one-time per year 20% discount on your purchase.
  • Get special Duke access to club, memberships and privileges at the Cornell Club of New York
  • Explore Meyer and Associates insurance and financial benefits options
  • Park on campus - for details and immediate access, complete this form
  • Enjoy borrowing privileges at Perkins, Bostock, Lilly, Music, and Divinity School libraries, plus access to select online databases and expert library staff.
  • Get career support from Campus Career Centers and Duke Alumni
Interior of the Karsh building.

Welcome home, Blue Devils

Have you been to the new Karsh Alumni and Visitor Center? It’s your hub on campus, where alumni start their day at Duke. Find information, get maps, meet up with friends and more. It’s a beautiful space built for you. 

Normal Business Hours:

  • Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays: Closed
  • Sundays: Closed

2080 Duke University Road
Durham, NC 27708

Check and maintain your alumni email

In most cases, student email accounts expire one year after graduation. But you can get an address for life. Use it as a full account or forward to your preferred inbox – it’s your permanent link to Duke.

Get It

To request a new email account or update your forwarding address on an existing account, edit your options located in the Contact Information section on your user profile.

Note: You must have a OneLink login to get an address

Use It

You can access your email directly using the link above. If you don't plan to check your box regularly, be sure to set up forwarding so you receive mail in your preferred box. (Note: If you choose this option, you will not be able to reply or send from your address.)

For help with alumni email, call the OIT Help Desk at (919) 684-2200.