Helpful Humans
We’ve got your back. “Helpful Humans” is a listing of Duke staff, faculty and alumni to help you navigate your interest in creative industries.
Helpful humans
Helpful humans at Duke
Kai Kelley Jr. Assistant Director, Entertainment, Media & Arts Career Community
Neal Bell Professor of the Practice, Department of Theater Studies
Torry Bend Professor of the Practice of Theater Studies
Hayley Broadhead Experiential Programs Manager, Duke Global Education
John V. Brown Jr. Vice Provost for the Arts; Professor of the Practice of Music
Michael Faber Duke IT Innovation Program Manager
Joshua Gibson Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies
James Haverkamp Lecturing Fellow of Cinematic Arts
Shambhavi Kaul Director of Cinematic Arts; Associate Professor of the Practice of Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Laura Lane Sector Director, Media, Entertainment & Sports, Duke University's Fuqua School of Business
Scott Lindroth Professor of Music
Jody McAuliffe Professor of the Practice of Theater Studies
Stephen Milligan Lecturing Fellow of Cinematic Arts
Martha Reeves Director of Markets and Management Certificate Program; Professor of the Practice of Sociology
Raquel Salvatella de Prada Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Shelley Stonecipher Associate Director, DeWitt Wallace Center for Media & Democracy
Jeff Storer Professor of the Practice of Theater Studies
Marianna Torgovnick Professor of English
Helpful humans
New York City
Drew Neisser '79 CEO & Founder, CMO Huddles drew@cmohuddles.com
Karen Gottlieb '89 Partner, Entertainment, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks Kgottlieb@gispc.com
Martavius Parrish '14 Broadway Director, Performer, Teaching Artist, and Creative Entrepreneur mdp2523@gmail.com
Aruna N Inalsingh, MBA '95 Marketing Consultant ArunaInalsingh@gmail.com
Chelsea Giegerich '09 Screenwriter/Author Chelsea@mattandchels.com
Zoey Kang '19, M.M.S. '21 Film Publicity, A24 zoey@a24films.com
Kenna Poczik '17 Product Manager, Artsy jpoczik@gmail.com
Lauren Gundrum '09 Musical Theater Lyricist, Librettist lauren.gundrum@gmail.com
Seth Weitberg '03 Writer/Producer, TV Comedy-Variety srwlogins@gmail.com
Adam Beskind '20 Musical Theater Music Director, Pianist, Conductor beskind.adam@gmail.com
Amanda Lewellyn '17 Audio Producer, Vox Media lewellyn.amanda@gmail.com
Jamie Garamella '99 Vocal Program Director, NYC Guitar School jgaramella@gmail.com
Megan Ye '17 Marketing Investment Analytics Manager, Capital One megan.ye@alumni.duke.edu
Helpful humans
Los Angeles
Alex Elliott '16 Creative Executive, Department M alexryanelliott@gmail.com
Mark Vahradian '89 Producer, Paramount Studios Mark_Vahradian@Paramount.com
Etan Frankel '97 Writer, Showrunner etanfrank@yahoo.com
Bryce Cracknell '18 Writer, Filmmaker
Andre Woolery '03 SVP, Branded Content + Managing Director, Creative Agency Awoolery@revolt.tv
Danielle Pergament '96 Contributing Writer, Conde Naste Publications, The New York Times dpergament@gmail.com
Aaron Keefe '06 Analytics Manager, PragerU ask12@alumni.duke.edu
Glenda L. Richardson '05 TV/Film Writer goodwitchrich@gmail.com
Helpful humans
Around the world
DC, Chicago, Atlanta and international
Lauren D. Menkes '83, Washington D.C. Senior Counsel, Boyarski Fritz LLP lmenkeslaw@gmail.com
Je-Anne Berry '06, Atlanta Co-Head of Pineapple Street Studios jberry@pineapple.fm
Audrey Fenske '09, Triangle Area Social Media Strategist akfenske@gmail.com
Daniel Ellison '77, Triangle Area Arts Attorney, Executive Director, The Arts & Disibility Project artandmuseumlaw@aol.com
Clara Forrestal '18, Charlotte UX Design Lead, H&R Block clara.forrestal@gmail.com
Brittany Hoffman '19, Charlotte Programming General Manager, Blumenthal Arts bhalberstadt96@gmail.com
Page Murray '85, San Francisco Bay Area Chief Marketing Officer, Stanford University page.murray@alumni.duke.edu
Bette Ann Fialkov '07, Miami Founder, BA Fialkov LLC, Influencer Marketing, Celebrity Partnerships & Strategic Brand Partnerships bette.ann.s@gmail.com
Rev. Wendy Sue Earle Kissa '97 Minister, Concierge, CEO revwendysue@hotmail.com
Sydney Reede '23 Assistant, Global Entertainment Industry Relations, Gucci sydneyreede@gmail.com