Alumni Trustee Nominees


Carol Louise Anspach Kohn

Carol Louise Anspach Kohn.

Lanty L. Smith

Lanty L. Smith

Susan Matamoros Stalnecker

Susan Matamoros Stalnecker.

Paula Hannaway Crown

Paula Hannaway Crown.

Four alumni, including two current trustees, have been nominated to Duke's board of trustees by the executive committee of the Duke Alumni Association's board of directors. They are Paula Hannaway Crown '80, Susan Matamoros Stalnecker '73, Carol Louise "Cookie" Anspach Kohn '60, and Lanty L. Smith J.D. '67.

Duke's charter calls for the election of one-third of its trustees by graduates of the university. Every two years, in odd-numbered years, the terms of four of the twelve alumni trustees expire. The DAA's executive committee nominates and submits a list of names to the university secretary for submission to the trustees. Four names are then approved for final submission to the alumni body, with additional nominations permitted by petition.

Crown is a principal of Henry Crown and Company, a private investment firm in Chicago. She was a vice president at Salomon Brothers, Inc., from 1980 until 1985, when she joined Henry Crown and Company. She is a trustee of Children's Memorial Hospital, Children's Memorial Institute for Education and Research, the Aspen Music Festival and School, and the Latin School of Chicago, where she served as treasurer. She is a member of the women's board of the University of Chicago and Lyric Opera of Chicago. She is also treasurer and chair of the finance committee of the Latin School of Chicago. She was a member of Duke's Trinity College board of visitors from 1996 to 2001, and has been on the Campaign for Duke steering committee since 1997. She and her husband, James, live in Chicago and Aspen and have four children.

Stalnecker has been vice president of finance and treasurer at E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company since 1998. After earning her M.B.A. at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, she joined DuPont in 1976 as a financial analyst in its treasury division of finance. She was transferred to London in 1987 as director and treasurer of Conoco (U.K. Ltd.). She returned to the States in 1990 and held several directorships at DuPont before being named assistant treasurer in 1997. She is a member of the Audit Committee for the University of Delaware and vice chair of the Delaware Art Museum. She is a member of the boards of the Elwyn Institute and PP&L, where she serves on the audit and finance committees. She has been a member of the executive committee of Duke's Annual Fund since 1998. She and her husband, Mark Eric Stalnecker '73, are co-chairs of the Reunions Gift Committee for their thirtieth reunion in 2003. They live in Greenville, Delaware, and have twins--a daughter and a son--who are Duke freshmen.

Kohn, a Duke trustee since 1997, serves on its Human Resources and Student Affairs committees and is a representative of the Athletic Council. She is co-owner and vice president of Anspach Travel Bureau, Inc. She earned her master's in educational administration at Northwestern University in 1982. A former teacher, she is a past president of the boards of education of both an elementary district in Highland Park, Illinois, and the Deerfield and Highland Park high schools. She serves on the Illinois State Scholarship Committee and is a founding member, secretary, and board member of Tri Con Child Care Center. A member of Duke's Annual Fund executive committee since 1984, she was chair from 1988 to 1990. A past president and class agent for the Class of 1960, she served two terms on Trinity's board of visitors. A past member of her region's Alumni Admissions Advisory Committee, she received the Charles A. Dukes Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service in 1986. She and her husband, Henry, live in Highland Park and have two children, including Henry L. Kohn III '85, and three grandchildren.

Smith, a Duke trustee since 1997, serves on its executive committee, chairs the Human Resources Committee, and is a member of the Buildings and Grounds and the Medical Center Affairs committees. He is chairman of the Greensboro, North Carolina, investment-banking firm Soles Brower Smith & Company. He also chairs the executive committee of Precision Fabrics Group, Inc. as well as The Greenwood Group, Inc. He joined Burlington Industries, Inc. in 1977 as executive vice president and senior general counsel. He was its president from 1986 until 1988, when he purchased the existing businesses of Burlington's Precision Fabrics division.

Smith is a recipient of the Outstanding Community Service Award from the Greensboro Jaycees and the Americanism Award from the Anti-Defamation League. He is chairman of the executive committee for Wachovia Corporation's board of directors, and a director of the Wikoff Color and Renfro corporations. He is president, CEO, and director of MediWave Star Technology, Inc., chairs the board of directors of Incellico, Inc., and is director of the Research Triangle Park Association and the North Carolina Institute of Medicine. He is a life member and past chair of the board of visitors at Duke's law school. He and his wife, Margaret Chandler Smith '66, Ph.D. '86, live in Greensboro and have three daughters, including Margaret E. Smith-Rhee '95.

After notice appears in print, alumni may submit a petition signed by one-half of 1 percent (567) of the alumni body (113,500) within thirty days to nominate additional persons. Alumni Affairs Director M. Laney Funderburk Jr. '60, who maintains a confidential roster of alumni recommended as trustees, says he welcomes and encourages "recommendations from alumni at any time."

The next election will be for terms that expire in 2005. Please submit names and biographical information by January 30, 2003, to Funderburk at Alumni House, 614 Chapel Drive, Box 90572, Durham, N.C. 27708-0572.

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