Dukes Awards Honor Volunteers

The Duke Alumni Association and the Annual Fund have presented Charles A. Dukes Awards to four alumni and two parents for outstanding volunteer service to the university.

The awards are named for the late Dukes '29, director of alumni affairs from 1944 to 1963, and honor individuals who reflect his dedication to the university. Dukes award winners are selected by the DAA board of directors and the executive committee of the Annual Fund.

This year's recipients are Roy W. Kiefer M.B.A. '78, Derrick Banks Mashore '79, Curtis Francis Brockelman Jr. '91, Erica Berg Gavin '96, and John Gordon and Kiendl Gordon, parents of China Gordon '06.

Kiefer was a member of the DAA board from 2000 to 2006, serving as an executive-committee member and as vice president. At the Fuqua School of Business, he is a volunteer with the Alumni Admissions Network, chaired the Isle Maligne Society, and served on the school's alumni council from 1993 to 1999. Fuqua presented Kiefer with its Alumni Exemplary Service Award in 2002.

Mashore has been a member of the board of visitors of the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy and, most recently, of Trinity College, serving as chair from 2003 to 2005 and as a member of the executive committee from 2002 to 2006. He was a member of the Leadership Gift Committee for his 25th reunion and helped lead efforts in Washington to raise money for Duke's last capital campaign.

Brockelman is on the Annual Fund's executive committee, co-chaired his class' 15th reunion, volunteered during Career Week, and served on the steering committee of Duke's New York Financial Partners. He also served as a co-chair of the Reunion Gift Committee for his 10th reunion and volunteered with the New York Young Alumni Development Council.

Gavin has been on the executive committee of the board of the Duke Club of New York since 1997 and was president from 2004 to 2006. She also served on the planning committee for her 10th reunion, volunteered during Career Week in 2004, and has been a member of the Alumni Admissions Advisory Committee since 1999. She is currently on the advisory board of the Freeman Center for Jewish Life

John Gordon and Kiendl Dauphinot Gordon were national chairs of the Parents' Committee from 2002 to 2006 and members of the Annual Fund's executive committee from 2004 to 2006. They also co-chaired the Class of 2006 Committee from 2002 to 2006.

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