The Sanford School’s one-of-a-kind Geneva Program on global policy and governance is expanding.
This past summer the school piloted an additional site for the highly selective program for graduate and professional students— in London.
Three students from Duke and one from Princeton served internships as part of a new track on global social innovation, a partnership between Sanford and Duke’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative.
The four London students flew to Geneva to connect with the program’s other sixty students (in one of the other three tracks of the program: global health, energy and environment, and humanitarian action) and to take part in a one-week intensive course on global social innovation.
The London experiment was deemed a success and likely will be offered again next summer, says Frederick “Fritz” Mayer, the school’s associate dean for strategy and innovation. Mayer founded the Geneva Program fifteen years ago.
Alexa Sutton, who is starting her fourth year of a Ph.D. through the university program in ecology at the Nicholas School of the Environment, interned in London with the European Nature Trust, a small family foundation, she says, that experiments with innovative ways of supporting both local livelihoods and local ecologies in Europe.
“The London program’s been a really incredible opportunity to work with some really leading-edge organizations in social change,” Sutton says. “My cohort’s been amazing—we’ve got a very broad diversity of interests, and we’re all constantly learning from each other.”
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