
Impressions of Life in the Greek Islands

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Date: Thu, May 22, 2025 - Mon, Jun 02, 2025
Trip status: Taking Reservations
Price from: TBD
Activity level: Moderate
Region: Europe
Arrangements: Thalassa Journeys
Mode of travel: Ocean Cruise


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To make a reservation, complete the registration form in the brochure and mail to Duke Travels, Box 90572, Durham, NC 27708, or call (919) 684-2988 to reserve conveniently over the phone and let us know you are mailing your reservation form to hold your space.

To learn more about our travel program or any of our upcoming trips, fill out the Duke Travels Trip Interest form online or call us at (919) 684-2988. 

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At the height of spring, journey to four of the most beautiful of the Greek Islands, explore their ancient sites and picturesque villages, learn about their history, sample their cuisine, and meet the people who maintain local traditions amid the ever-changing world that surrounds them. Highlights include the Neoclassical architecture and verdant hillsides of Andros and Naxos, the Bronze Age site of Akrotiri on Santorini, and Crete's Minoan Palace of Knossos. Throughout this tour, you will encounter unique architecture, medieval village churches, rugged landscapes that produce some of the world's best olive oil, wines, and cheeses, and fascinating ruins that span the centuries from the prehistoric times to the Byzantine Empire.


Dr. Michelle P. Connolly
Dr. Michelle P. Connolly

Professor of the Practice of Economics