Volunteer Resources
Volunteers bring life to Duke Alumni events and programs all over the world. A Duke volunteer is Respectful, Trustworthy, Inclusive, and driven by Discovery and Excellence.
Here you will find the educational resources and tools to equip you on your journey as a volunteer at Duke.
Video Resources to be a Successful Volunteer
Volunteer Education Experiences
Forever Learning Institute and Volunteer Programming
Past Session Recordings Available:
- Ethics:
- Impact:
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging:
- Leadership:
How to Plan a Regional Event
Planning an event can be made easier with some of the event tools below. Before you start planning, check in with your regional director by emailing regional@daa.duke.edu. Our staff can help you determine the best registration process, email communications, and your budget considerations.
Event Tools
Duke Alums Engage Planning Resources
To help you create and execute a successful project, we have worked with past Duke Alums Engage participants to develop these tools.
Need help?
Contact alumni-volunteer@duke.edu for questions about volunteer opportunities and training