March in Duke's Virtual Pride Parade!

You're invited to "march" in our Virtual Pride Parade on Thursday, June 24 at 9pm EDT/6pm PDT

There is no place that showcases the diversity, spirit and inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ and Ally communities quite like a Pride Parade. It is a celebration of what makes us unique while binding us together to form a beautiful tapestry. This year we can all be together.

March with us and express what Pride means to you. Your participation could be a simple "Hello from _____" or maybe you want to educate people on an important topic. We are here to help and of course, costumes are welcome.    

We will be honoring members of the Duke LGBTQ+ Network community for their leadership, so if there is someone you feel is deserving, please send us their name and a description of why they should be recognized.  And yes, THERE WILL BE DRAG! After all, what would a Pride Parade be without a featured performance?

Like in-person parades, we are encouraging a little bit of everything: Celebration * Protest * Solidarity * Exuberance * Affiliations * Intersectionality * Flags * Support * Remembrance * Laughter * Joy * Reverie * Music * Dancing * Creativity * MORE

We're open to your ideas and if you would like to join the planning committee, we'd love to have you. Please email Jack directly at if you are interested in joining the planning committee and/or "marching". Thank you!